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Year 5

Transition Booklet-a booklet to share with your child over the summer holiday with photos of their new class.

Earth and Space Topic

As part of their Earth and Space topic, Year 5 have been learning about the phases of the moon.  We recreated the moon, earth and sun and the children were fascinated by the results.  Nothing beats seeing science in action!

English, Maths and Forest School


year 5 are thoroughly enjoying their new book- the firework maker's daughter and have been describing characters using ambitious vocabulary. 



We are working on negative numbers and counting through zero, the children are able to discuss real life examples of when they may use negative numbers. We have also been learning about money in PSHE. 


Forest school

The classes thoroughly enjoyed their forest school lessons as always thank you Mr G!  Please see the photos below.


Year 5 enjoyed Ancient Greek Day.
