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Otford Voice

We hope you will enjoy looking around our school website and it enables you to get a feel for the school.  We thought you would enjoy reading comments from pupils, parents, visitors and guests to our school too.

General Comments 2023 / 2024



I wanted to say how wonderful it was to see the children in the play yesterday. They were fabulous, they blew me away with their efforts & confidence. I have messaged the teachers to say thank you!

Parent from Year 6 class- comments from the Production Peter Pan!


Dear Mrs Roberts and Mr Otto,

A note to say thank you so much for allowing us to borrow your tables again for our Fair on the Green on 22/6.

The Fair was a great success and the tables were again put to good use throughout the day.

Phil again made the process so easy in terms of pick up and return which was tremendously helpful.

We are most grateful for your assistance.

Best Regards

Mervyn Harris
St Barts Fair Committee




Dear Mrs. Roberts,

I just wanted to send a quick e mail to you all at Otford Primary to say thank you for a great few days at your school.


Kind Regards,


(Comments from a supply teacher)


Hi Mr Grobel
I've spoken to the kids to get their feedback on Forest School. They both really enjoy it. Here's a summary of what they've most enjoyed and (I feel) have benefitted from:

1. Physical exercise: Just getting moving instead of sitting at a desk! A change of scene, fresh air, opportunity to really stretch their legs. Also giving their eyes a break from looking at the whiteboard/ their books. 

2. Opportunity to use tools and activities with purpose: Mine especially have enjoyed map reading, using a compass, whittling sticks. As a family we do a lot of hill walking so they understand how these life skills are applied when out and about (you can't rely on your phone/Google maps when up a mountain!).Allows him to participate in what I believe is very normal and important child behaviour.

3. Den building. My daughter said this was her favourite activity! She especially liked having water thrown over it to test its waterproofing. She loves teamwork and I think what FS offers is that freedom for children to work in groups without constant adult direction. Certainly as a volunteer, I've watched children really working collaboratively (and not just with their friends). They all have something to contribute and really listen to each other.

4. Maze tarp. I remember volunteering when the children did this activity and they all absolutely loved it. They all took turns beautifully and were all so eager to work as a team to get to the end. It really tested their memories!

5. Mental health and wellbeing: I know my child especially feels more relaxed outside of the confines of the classroom. She also has said that the class as a whole is often calmer and more settled after a FS session(and also PE).

6. Getting to know their local surroundings: This may not be applicable to all children (as some may not live locally) but I know mine certainly love exploring their local neighbourhood. Children don't get to roam safely anymore so I actually think the offsite FS sessions really helps build up a mental picture of the roads, footpaths etc which is so important for independence and developing road safety.


We are so sad to be leaving Otford, we have seen such an incredible start to our child's school life and seeing his phonics and communication improving daily we can only praise the teachers for everything and they will definitely have a lasting impact on our son. Thank you for everything so far, it’s been such a hard decision for us to make.( Reception parent)


Well done to the school on such a wonderful Ofsted report. 

We recognise all the excellent qualities highlighted and very pleased our children are pupils in the school. Thank you to all teachers and staff for your incredible efforts. (Year 2 and Reception parent.)


Please pass on my thanks to Miss Worrow and everyone involved in the Viking workshop, my child loved this day and was so happy after it, well worth the money and costumes etc and I hope others have shared positive feedback as I know the children/parents I've spoken to had the best time. Thank you for providing this. (Year 4 parent)


I am writing to express our sincere gratitude for the warm and informative tour of Otford Primary School that we experienced today with Miss Chalkley. Our son was particularly delighted with the environment, and it was a joy to watch his enthusiasm as we explored the facilities and met with some of the staff and pupils. We were thoroughly impressed with the school's ethos, the dedication of the teachers, and the vibrant atmosphere that seems to foster curiosity and learning. After careful consideration, we are confident that Otford Primary School is the perfect fit for our children's educational needs and aspirations. (new parent for Year 5 and Year 4)


I wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for year 4’s Viking day today. My son absolutely loved it, it sounds fantastic and he’s clearly learnt loads. He said it’s been his best day ever at school! These learning opportunities are wonderful.(Year 4 parent)


I have been dropping off my nieces to your school a few time recently and notice how lovely and happy all the children seem to be to come to school and so well mannered !


"I just wanted to reach out to you to express how wonderfully received the Year 5 Ancient Greece Day was yesterday. I have never seen my son so enamoured by a subject as he came straight home to tell me all about it, complete with drawings and diagrams. He soaked it all in and was brimming with information to share and it was so lovely to see his enthusiasm, and from others in his class too. It would be lovely if we could have more of these throughout the school year groups. I think this interactive learning is so good for them!" - Year 5 parent.


"A gigantic THANK YOU to all the staff for making OPS our home for the past four years.  We will miss the school dearly!  Special thanks to Mrs Smith, Mrs Belcher-Whyte, Mr Hanford!!!, Ms Robinson, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Roberts." - Year 3 mum.



"We saw the performance last night, what a fantastic show!  The enthusiasm of the children was wonderful, we thoroughly enjoyed it.  The confidence of the children was great to see.


Congratulations to you and all the staff and children for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.  It was better than some shows I've seen on the West End stage." 



"I just wanted to say a big thank you for giving the children the opportunity to partake in the Hever Castle Triathlon today and do things they may never experience otherwise in a beautiful setting.  My child enjoyed it so much, he was apprehensive about the lake swim, but it ended up being his favourite event of the day.  He loved the barn owl in the Birds of Prey activity too."




General Comments 2022 / 2023


'Good afternoon, A note to say thank you so much for allowing us to borrow your tables at the weekend for our Fair. 

The Fair was a great success and the tables put to good use throughout the day.

Particular thanks go to Mr Otto who made the pick up on Friday so quick and efficient.

We are most grateful for your assistance.'


'Just want to thank the teachers who accompanied Team Otford to the District sports event on Wednesday. I’d also like to congratulate all the children that took part. A special mention to x from year 6 who raced brilliantly in the 600 metres & was incredibly gracious in his win. He showed excellent sportsmanship in congratulating his fellow competitors and I hope that this will be recognised & rewarded by the school.'


'Both 3M and 6L classrooms were presented so beautifully with wonderful working walls showing off some really strong work. 


Mr Macrae and Mrs Little were both present, relaxed and engaging with the children in such a lovely manner. 


I feel very grateful to have my children amongst such caring staff.' (Parent of children in Years 3 and 6)


'As grandparents we are very thankful for the Otford school, and the welcome and happiness that our two  grandchildren received at the Otford school. It was a tough decision for them to leave [their hometown] and we are so thankful for the warmth and challenge at the primary school. We are very thankful for the way our grandchildren have fitted in and been made to feel special. Thank you.' (Grandparents of children in Years 3 and 6)


'I just wanted to take some time to tell you how much it has meant to have your and the school's support.... You have helped us in more ways than you know, and continue to do so and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has made such a huge difference.' 


'Dear Teachers 

I would just like to extend my sincere gratitude around how the school and teachers managed the recent SATS. 

The level of support and genuine care about the children’s well-being and preparedness was wonderful and [my children] were calm and collected (despite a few nerves) and this is all thanks to the teachers. 

When your child is sad that SATS are over, you know you’ve done something right!!!

Thanks and appreciation!'


"Finally, I would like to add how impressed I am with your school and how welcome year 4 pupil has been made to feel. She looks forward to coming to school every day, and this has been a huge relief both for me and her Mum after an important move. Thank you so much"


My child has been very happy at Otford Primary, and we very much appreciate your help and support over the last few years. 


Thank you both for the kindness and thoughtfulness you are showing to my child. Your call today Mrs Roberts, was very reassuring and meant a lot to think you were looking out for my child at the end of the week. I know how busy you are so I appreciate you taking the time to check in with myself and my husband.
Thank you so much for your time today too Mrs Williams. You clearly spent some time today getting to know my child and she/he has come home showing everybody her/his cards and saying how she/he loved their lunchtime with you!
As a parent knowing that your child is happy and being looked after means so much and I’m so pleased she/he has you both and your staff there to support her/him.


Both 3M and 6L classrooms were presented so beautifully with wonderful working walls showing off some really strong work. 

Mr Macrae and Mrs Little were both present, relaxed and engaging with the children in such a lovely manner. 



I feel very grateful to have my children amongst such caring staff.

We as a family have been at Otford for 10 years and have been so very happy at the care and the high level of teaching the boys have received. Will be so strange not being there anymore and Harry will miss his friends and his lovely teacher Mrs Melrose. 

A special thank you to Mrs Clarke who has looked out for both of my children from the very beginning and who now has been the very best teaching assistant. 

We will miss you all, thank you again for everything


I wanted to thank you for the amazing opportunity the children had to attend the AIM High Writing Day at Radnor House yesterday. My son came out absolutely full of beans and had written a wonderful story. He woke me up in the middle of the night to ask me to write down the title of his next ‘novel’ and he started writing the first chapter at 7am! It’s wonderful to see him so inspired! (Year 3 Parent)
'...we are very grateful to [the School Office] and Mrs Roberts for the care and attention you have given our son'. (Year 3 Parent)
'Dear Mrs Roberts
It was lovely to have you all at St Bart’s for your Carol service. Everyone involved played their part well, and each child I spoke with, without exception, was polite and courteous. With every good wish Clive'


'Please pass on my thanks and to say 'job well done' to Miss Poulter for the girls' football yesterday (28 November).  The event was well organised, and Miss Poulter was absolutely amazing, helping the girls with their camaraderie, getting them all chatting, really cheering them on and really encouraging team spirit.  Miss Poulter was fantastic and I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated how she was with the girls as I know some of them are in different year groups so she was brilliant at handling them and helping them to get to know each other.' -  Year 5 parent.


'Thanks for making the children at home in their new school!'  -Year 2 and Reception Parent


'I just wanted to email the school and say thank you for such beautiful school photographs of the children! 


I have had so many lovely comments! I am very happy with them and can't wait to get some  framed!


Many thanks' - Year 2 and Reception Parent


'I just wanted to pass a message on to say how amazing we thought the school photos were this year!!! It must have been a very talented and engaging photographer to get such beautiful natural shots and smiles! They're just incredible! 


Well done to whoever sourced the photographer this year! 


Thanks so much!' - Year 1 and 5 Parent


'I want to go to school every day, I love my friends!' - Year 3 pupil.


'We’d like to thank you and the staff at Otford for making our child's first 3 years at school so happy.

Thank you' - Year 3 parent. 


General Comments 2021/2022


'My daughter  is one of Mr Hanford’s students and I just felt that I wanted to write to you to say how pleased we all are that she was in his class!


He is truly an inspiring teacher who works hard, motivates his class and definitely gets the best out of his students.  She has come on leaps and bounds and absolutely loves being in his class.  He encourages participation, independence and delivers lessons in a wonderful way.  He shows warmth and interest in his students and he really is a credit to Otford Primary School.


It has been a pleasure for us (as parents) to see her thrive under his leadership and teaching and I know she will really miss him when she moves up to Year 3.  I think he is everything a teacher should be – kind, compassionate, patient and obviously brilliant.


We wanted to say thank you for all the extra effort it takes to help our children grow and the challenges you encourage them to face to help them become who they are.


Otford Primary school is a very good school and we are so pleased that our children go there. Hope you all have a wonderful summer break (you deserve it) and we will see you in September.' - Year 2 parent. 


'It has been an absolute pleasure to support both my children and their fellow school mates. Having listened to some of my child’s class first learning to read in reception and now watching them take the final steps through primary school and on to secondary it is amazing how much they have changed and growing into fine young people.' Year 6 parent 


'Mrs Roberts, I am writing as I want to formally offer my appreciation to the school but particularly Mr Hanford for this academic year before the school breaks for summer.  The transition back to school after covid has been seamless and I feel like the children have always been the priority.  

I cannot thank Mr Hanford enough for the passion he has created around learning this year for my child. Special teachers are rare and I feel that we have been lucky to have had contact with several at Otford but Mr Hanford this year has been outstanding. My child loves being a member of his class, he has created a culture which has enhanced his enthusiasm to learn, he knows the children individually and goes above and beyond to meet their needs within the classroom. We have noticed a maturity in my son this year and the way he deals with different situations, and this has been developed by working with a strong teacher like Mr Hanford.

Mr Hanford's communication with us has been fantastic over any concern we have had and equally we thank the school for this as well.  

We hope you all have a really restful holiday and look forward to what the next academic year brings for not only our eldest child but a younger child as a new starter. Please pass on our thanks to Mr Hanford.

Best wishes for the summer' Year 2 parent. 


'Dear Mrs Roberts 

It goes without saying that both my children's experience at Otford Primary School, has been exceptional.... my  boys have grown in their learning and in their confidence simply because teachers noticed, listened and cared for them.


I and my husband want to thank you once again and all the amazing teaching staff at OP for their support and input.' Year 6 parent


'I wanted to email to say how brilliant the teachers have been this year. My children have progressed so well, any chat I have had with either teacher has been supportive, respectful and helpful and it feels like they know all the children so well, they deserve some praise and serious thanks from all parents in their classes.' 


'We are so grateful to you for your patience, enthusiasm, and passion. I really appreciate your hard work to keep everyone going . I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who have contributed to my child's growth and curiosity for learning. We appreciate everyone’s hard work so much!


Well done to all the team!' Year 2 parent. 


'Dear all,  I wanted to email to say how brilliant Miss Poulter and Mr Hanford have been for both of my children this year. They have progressed so well, any chat I have had with either teacher has been supportive, respectful and helpful and it feels like they know all the children so well, they deserve some praise and serious thanks for all parents in their classes. 

Many thanks' Reception and Year 2 parent

Year 6 parents' comments on the residential Trip:


Just a quick thank you to everyone involved in making this week so special for the children. My daughter is so exhausted she can hardly talk but she told me she had the best time with all her lovely friends. Thanks for looking after them, teaching them and encouraging them to try all these new things. Parent from Year 6.


I wanted to write this e mail to express my gratitude for how amazing both you and your team have been to my child during the school journey... you all went above and beyond to make it work for her. She said she felt so well looked after, encouraged and empowered by the teachers to be brave and most importantly have fun. You have no idea what a difference you have made. Thank you very much, the school is lucky to have you all. Parent from Year 6.


Dear Mrs Roberts, Can you please pass on my thanks to everyone involved with the Year 6 trip. The girls had a great time, (a few tears but to be expected being away from home!) the experiences they have had and the memories they’ve made will be with them forever and really help with their transition to year 7. I’m sure the staff had their hands full coping with 60 children, anxiety, hormones, tears, aches and sunburn and I hope they all had a well-deserved rest over the weekend. Thanks again. Parent from Year 6.  


Year 6 parents' comments on Year 6 production - Pirates of the curry bean: 



Dear Mrs Roberts,

I'd like to say how much my family enjoyed the year 6 production. We all thought it was a superb performance, by all the children involved - it was very professional! There had clearly been a lot of effort put in by the teachers to pull it all together, and I'd like to say how much that is appreciated. I imagine it wasn't an easy job, but the children did the school and their teachers proud. Please do pass on our thanks to all of them for their role. Year 6 Parent. 


Dear Mrs Roberts, I would just like to say how much I enjoyed last nights showing of ' Pirates of the Curry Bean '. It was a lovely evening with rousing music and I found it, strangely, quite emotional! Thank you to all at Otford Primary. Yours sincerely Year 6 Grandparent

General Comments 2021


This was [our child's] first year attending school. We are extremely pleased with his teachers, the lovely class he is in and how he has developed a love of learning. We also love seeing the updates from the wider school. It’s amazing the beautiful environment you’ve created for children as well as the care and good example you provide them. We appreciate all your efforts and are excited for our children’s future within such an inspiring school.


I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you all for your amazing work, both academically and pastorally, for our [children]. During the last 18 months in particular your leadership and the outstanding practice of your staff has made a difficult situation infinitely easier and [our children] have emerged stronger and more resilient than I thought possible. The core values that Otford has taught them will last them a lifetime and you have made the job of their next setting much easier. 

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to work with the children of Otford Primary on Wednesday. The kids were all polite, enthusiastic and engaged. I heard lots of ‘please’s, ‘thankyou’s, ‘excuse me’s, several excellent questions and some great teamwork. They did a great job of weeding the hedge and planted all 206 of the wildflower plugs. I hope they enjoyed it too. I’d love to work with you again in the future.

(Visitor working with Year 6)


I wanted to write to thank you for your care and consideration in the recent open morning. Myself and my two yr old son came to visit your school and loved it. I am on the open day run at the moment, looking a little earlier than usual as my Husband and I are prepared to sell and relocate to ensure amazing education for our son. At present you've made me want to move to Otford to enrol with you. You were just wonderful! 


...I would like to say how impressed I was with the school.

The children were polite, enthusiastic and happy.

Thank you for your hard work and welcoming [my child] to your school.

(New parent)


I wanted to say thanks to you all...for your hard work, dedication and agility this past year during such challenging circumstances. As a team, you should all be very proud of how well you've served the pupils.

(Year 3 Parent)

Thank you so much for the camp you organised for last Thursday it was absolutely fabulous and secondly I take my hats off to those of you who stayed it was highly commendable for you all to stay and suffer the cold.  My child had an absolute blast of a time and thoroughly enjoyed it, it was early to bed on Friday!


I wanted to share some lovely news with school, which is really as a result of [my child's] time in Reception last year.

My work (huge multinational company) ran a children’s drawing competition recently to mark Earth Hour at the weekend. We found out yesterday that [my child] won the competition with the drawing attached! 

[My child's] love of the environment and saving the ocean came from learning about it with Miss Hill in reception. (Year 1 parent)


Our daughter has really enjoyed her time at Otford and as parents we are delighted at the way she has developed. We would like to extend our warmest thanks and true gratification to all the staff (in particular Mrs Askew and Mrs Balcombe) for their amazing support during her time in school. (Parent)


We are so grateful for everything you and all the staff are doing to keep the children learning. The comments on Dojo and on the submitted work are so supportive and really keep us motivated. (Year 2 parent)


I just wanted to say thank you to the year 5 teaching team. I think the work that they set each week is carefully thought out, interesting and very varied. They obviously spend a lot of time planning and setting it and I just wanted to say thank you...we  continue to love the variety of the afternoon activities each day. (Year 5 parent)


As we come to the end of the first week I just wanted to drop an email to say how impressed we have been with the remote learning and the support from the school…the prospect of home learning filled me with anxiety and dread… the school has handled yet another impossible situation in such an organised, positive way.  
Dojo Portfolio works very well for us, and the fact we can fit the timetable around my working hours…, is a blessing in itself!
The positivity and speed of responses from the teachers is so impressive given the volume of work they must be having to get through, and their comments really do give a much needed boost to both my children.
We can't wait for the school to be reunited again, but in the meantime want to say a huge thank you and let you know how much we appreciate what you all do for our children every day. (Year 2 and Reception Parent)

I want to take the opportunity to thank you, and all your staff for everything over the past year. The situation has been so incredibly difficult and the kindness, professionalism, hard work and general pleasantness of all your staff has made it so much easier… I appreciate how difficult it is for teachers and all school staff and cannot thank you enough”. (Year 2 Parent)

“You and your team are doing a grand job! Dojo, including child's portfolio is working really well and is a great way of communicating with his teachers. My child has responded fantastically to home learning” (Year 5 Parent)

I just wanted to say a big thank you for how smoothly you and the school team have transitioned over to moving to online teaching and also for the teaching for those that remain in school with such short notice and under such challenging circumstances. My son has been in school Tuesday/ Wednesday as both my husband and I are keyworkers and we cannot thank you all enough for the consistency you are offering him whilst all else in his life is a little bit upside down. 

Year 6 parents' comments on Remote Learning:

Thought I would drop you a quick email to say how impressed I am with the communication, work that has been set plus the way children can submit their completed work. 
From first thing Monday morning, we have had good communication from Mrs Little and a clear plan for the week. 
The way the children can submit there own work is fantastic, I know [my child] loves the responsibility! 
Many thanks for sorting a timetable so quickly and keeping the children working. 


Many thanks for all the work, support and communication over the last couple of weeks.


I just wanted to say a massive thank you for contacting [my child] each day. It has been a big comfort to us to know that she knows what she’s doing each day and she has genuinely enjoyed chatting with you during lockdown and isolation. 


 Thank you for all the work you have set for the children and for always being so quick at responding to my messages, you two have been amazing so thank you. 


General Comments 2020


I just wanted to say a huge thank you for making [our child] so welcome at Otford primary. We usually live in Kenya and found ourselves stuck in the UK due to Covid-19, and we were so grateful when the office at the school were so accommodating and let [our child] join Eagles class with only a few days notice! He has loved his term at Otford Primary; he has been very happy in Eagles and we are so thankful that the school has been so welcoming, despite us being there for such a short time. 
We return to Kenya just after Christmas, so [our son] won't be re-joining Eagles in January, but we want to say a huge thank you for giving him such a fun term, especially with all the difficult circumstances that you've all had to deal with. 



Just a brief note to say thank you again to you and all the staff at Otford for all the hard work that has gone into keeping school going and the children thriving this term. 
Every day the children are greeted with warm smiles in the playground and we are so glad the children have come through this time as well as we could’ve hoped. Both [my children] love being at school, in spite of all the new measures cast upon them due to the pandemic, which is in no small part, related to the commitment of the staff. 


I just wanted to give you some quick feedback. I was reading the...newsletter and read the bit about the Christmas Wellbeing Day on Thursday. [My child's] exact words were, "Oh good, I really need that."
He's very worn from two almost back to back self-isolation periods so it was nice to hear and I thought you might appreciate it as well. Thank you for the efforts that everyone is putting in. It is certainly very much appreciated in our house.


I just wanted to email so that Miss Skinner and Ann in the kitchens' excellent communication and planning is recognised .

As you know [my child] is coeliac so we are navigating our way through her new diet.

Miss Skinner (as always) has been outstanding, anything she said would be actioned and in place to make life easier for [my child] without making her stand out has been amazing, she is truly a credit to your team and I really can not praise her enough. 

Ann has been so organised in planning ahead for [my child] and has been so kind during her GF transition, I really feel she has gone that extra mile and I’m truly grateful. 


As a new school mum, I wanted to write to thank the school for the special care given to my son.  A really huge thank you to Mrs Edwards and Ms Martinez for all the love, care and special attention they’ve given to [my child] so far this year, it means such a lot!

I imagine that these extraordinary times have led to so much additional pressure on your staff and I hope that this helps a little to address the balance in favour of huge appreciation and praise.  Thank you so very much to the school, Mrs Edwards and Miss Martinez.

Year R parent 


I was so impressed with drop off this morning. So stress free and well organised! It took all the anxiety away and [my child] strolled to her teacher with a smile on her face and spring in her step. 


HUGELY grateful that she has her wonderful teachers from last year too. 


Blessed to be part of your school!

Year 2 parent


Comments from parents during Lockdown 2020


Dear Mrs Roberts,

You have made it to the end of term! Congratulations and very well done!!!
It has obviously been extremely challenging for you and your staff, yet through difficult times, you have all found strength and resilience. Amazing.
Thank you and the team for all your efforts at Otford Primary.


I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I know [my child] has loved being at Otford and will be very sad to leave. Miss Hill and Mr Hanford along with all the staff at Otford have given her such a brilliant start to her education and I will forever be grateful. Otford really is a wonderful school and I think you have all done such a fabulous job over the last few months. All the children seem so happy to be back and I know that [my child] is really enjoying it and pleased that she can finish her final term and say good bye to most of her friends. Thank you for all your hard work.


Dear Mrs Roberts

We would just like to say how impressed we have been with the way the school has managed the phased return back to school this week.

We understand that this must have been an incredibly difficult time for you and the staff to organise the school in accordance with the numerous government directives in order to make the environment as safe as possible, as well as trying to keep a semblance of of normality in what are far from normal times.

We also understand that teachers at this time are potentially putting their own health and safety at risk and by extension their own households. I think teachers deserve enormous credit for going back to work at this time when a lot of industries have instructed their staff to stay home. Whether it  is right that teachers are back at this time is certainly debatable, but what we can say is all of the staff at Otford have shown and incredible level of professionalism and their interactions with parents at drop off and pick up have been brilliant.

Our daughter...has loved being back at school this week. This is undoubtedly due to seeing her friends again, but equally how well the teachers have managed their new working practices and made the transition from a normal school set up into the current learning environment as seamless as possible.

We would also like to pass on our gratitude to the non-teaching staff who help with the day-to-day running of the school.

If you could pass on our gratitude that would be much appreciated  

Kind regards


Dear Mrs Roberts,


I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for your amazing support this week. I think the school has been incredible! Like most parents I was a bit apprehensive on Monday morning but to be met by a sea of calm smiling faces was just wonderful. I know it can’t have been easy but you made us all feel like you genuinely wanted to be there. The children have had so much to take in – new teachers, new classrooms, new rules – but you have really helped them transition seamlessly to this new world. [My child] is absolutely loving it.


Thank you so much.


Mrs Roberts,


I just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you very much to you and all the staff at Otford Primary. The way you've handled this difficult period has been amazing! The communication, support, love towards the children and eagerness to get them back in school has been greatly appreciated. I'd like to add that Mrs Edwards' Dojo messages and support through our time at home was spot on. And it was an utter pleasure to see you all in the playground welcoming back the children with big beaming smiles on Monday morning.


Thank you


Hi Mrs Roberts


I just wanted to say an extra special thank you to you all for today!


I have been extremely apprehensive about [my child] returning, not knowing if it was the right or wrong thing to do for her and our family as a whole .... but [my child] really wanted to come back so we went with what made her happy. You really put my mind at rest and you certainly didn’t disappoint her either. It was nice to see a picture of her classroom before hand and this morning was calm, well thought out and organised but not military like I had envisaged. [My child] had a brilliant day saying her new teacher Mrs Askew was so fun, she liked her new desk and she was glad she got to see to Mr Hanford to say hello too!


You guys are honestly like mini superheroes, carrying on with big smiles on your faces, even though I know you must be under pressure yourselves.


Keep up the good work Team Otford you are awesome and we are very proud once again to be parents of Otford! 


Dear Mrs Roberts,
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you and to all the staff at Otford for making the first day back a wonderful experience.

I, like many parents no doubt, found the decision whether to send [my child] back to school today a really tough one.  With so much change, I was concerned that the school environment might feel scary and not so pleasant for the little ones. However I found the atmosphere today warm, welcoming and well organised. 

[My child] said the only negative thing about her day today was that her sun hat did not fit very well over her hair in bunches so I think this shows that you have made the school environment, despite all the changes and differences, a happy one. 

I am sure that the past few months have been very difficult for you, but all of your - and the teachers - efforts are very appreciated. 


Dear Mrs Roberts

I just wanted to say thank you for the all of the excellent communication around the partial re-opening of school on 1st June.

I have a child in year 1 and year 4 and it has been so useful to have a good idea about what was happening. The communications have also been thoughtful, welcoming and caring. In particular the letter for us to read to children (or for them to read themselves) was so beautiful it was hard to read without getting choked up! Very much appreciate all you and the teachers have done to be able to open school safely.

Kind regards


Dear Mrs Roberts

I do hope you are well and keeping your head above water. [My child] has been working really hard at home and last term he wrote this poem which I really wanted to send to you. I felt it was indicative of the high standard of teaching at Otford Primary which he’s received so far and also of his lovely attitude to working at home with mummy! 

We hope you continue to stay safe and well and pray we see you soon. All our love and best wishes.



Thank you very much for the letter to children. It's a really good idea. Felt quite emotional reading it on my own so will need to pull myself together before reading it to [my child]. It's going to be a very different environment but it's clear the school team is putting the pastoral care as their highest priority. Thank you very much.


Kind regards


Hi, I hope this finds you and your family, safe and well.

I just wanted to thank the teachers for being totally amazing this term. Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Little have been wonderful. They have been so responsive and helpful and I am extremely grateful.

This situation has not been easy for anyone but they have made it considerably easier than could of been and they definitely deserve a thank you!


Good luck for 1st June.  I can imagine it’s been extremely hard getting everything ready for a safe return. I hope you all enjoy a well deserved week off.

Warmest regards

General Comments 2019


Feedback about Young Voices

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you for such a wonderful evening.  What a brilliant performance by all the schools and what fun!  Such a confidence booster for [my child] and we are very lucky to have an amazing team of teachers and Head like yourselves who have inputted such valuable time and effort into such a huge event. These memories will be in the little heads for ever!


A big thank you!

Year 5 parent


Just a quick note to say how wonderful Young Voices was last week.
Must be extremely stressful for staff to make sure all the children are accounted for at all times.
Thank you so much for letting Otford Primary have the opportunity to go and experience such a great venue and atmosphere. I know [my child] loved it and I even managed to spot her from where we were sitting!!!

Year 5 parent


Dear Otford children, Mrs Roberts and Staff, 
Many many thanks for a really wonderful Carol Service. The music, singing and readings were all wonderful. I loved it that the children, when singing looked so happy. That made it really special.
Also a special thank you to Mrs Brown for all that she does. She is one amazingly talented lady!
Best wishes

Year 5  parent


I can really see that, at the start of the school year, the handover from the previous years teacher had been excellent.

The class teacher  has clearly gone above and beyond to support and understand my child’s  needs.

This term I also met with Mrs Hussain-Barden (Inclusion Manager) relating to my daughter’s needs - she was incredibly helpful giving me some much needed clarity when I was feeling a little uncertain.

Year 1 and 2 parent


I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know how happy [my chils] is at school this year. His teachers are just fabulous. Mrs Clark & Mrs Lloyd are everything a parent could hope for as their child's teacher. So thank you.

Year 2 parent


I felt I should write to say that I was really impressed with the two representatives from the school who took part in the memorial service on The Green yesterday. They were smartly turned out and laid the wreath with confidence and dignity and were a credit to the school.

Member of the Parish Council


...I would like to thank you for providing such a lovely and secure environment for my kids. How easy transition was for my younger one who started Reception this September. Thank you and to your great team.

Yr 4 and Reception Parent


We must absolutely commend yourself, the teachers and the parent body for the way in which our children were welcomed, embraced and integrated into the primary school. The growth and progress that we have seen in both children, in what has been a relatively short period of time during the course of 2019, has exceeded our expectations.



I just wanted to say that I was really impressed with the Yr 2 teachers this morning in the meet the parents session. They were very clear and engaging, and answered all our questions really well! Please pass on our thanks and appreciation.

Year 2 parent


Thank you to Mrs Owen, Mrs Balcombe and yourself for this mornings Meet the Teacher.
It was a succinct and professional overview of the contents and processes involved in Yr3 which I find very useful and reassuring.
Yet again, I feel as though my son is in very capable hands.

Thanks again

Year 3 parent


Praise for the new school dinners:

I just wanted to pass on some praise for you.

[My child] says the school dinners are absolutely delicious! This is extremely high praise....not sure she has ever said that to me ðŸ˜‚

Year 5 parent


Our son... is coming to the end of his first school chapter and we could not be more delighted with the way that he has been developed and cared for by Mrs Smith and Mrs Barnes.  We’ve noticed how his desire to keep learning has not stopped climbing since he started school in September 2018....

Academically, we feared that [my child] was lagging behind his peers prior to starting school, indeed his preschool communications implied that this was the case.  So the fact that his end of year report showed him as being where he should be in three areas and exceeding expectations in all others is a true testament to both Mrs Smith and Mrs Barnes – as well his own hard work of which we’re incredibly proud!


We have witnessed the way that Mrs Smith has commanded control in a gentle, yet focused way of her class through singing, expression and signing.  Something that the children seem to respond to very well indeed.

Year R parent


The demands of the school environment could very easily become too much if it were not for the support of wonderful teachers, so I feel very fortunate that my child has had such lovely teachers in her first two years at Otford - Year 1 parent


As a parent of a child with additional needs it can be especially emotional leaving your child in someone else’s care so I did want to pass on my thanks to your staff for making this all the easier for me, and my daughter.- Year 1 parent


[My child] loves everything to do with Space! Mrs Smith let [my child] borrow a lovely lift the flap book about space which [my child] read with Mummy from front to back that afternoon. He then decided to make a picture of our solar system and write down some of the new facts that he had learned from the book.


Space Facts! All written by himself with some spelling help from Mummy.


I just wanted to drop you a line to say how amazingly proud I am of the whole Otford Tag Rugby Team during their performance and win in the tournament last night. [My child] was absolutely buzzing last night and couldn’t sleep even though he was physically exhausted.


Unfortunately I wasn’t there to witness their triumph but [my husband] said the whole team played fantastically and he was particularly impressed with the girls on the team who he thought really did make the difference. He said the team's ball handling skills improved throughout the tournament and special thanks had to go to Mrs Balcolmbe and Mr Platts for the after school training sessions.

Congratulations to all


Dear Mrs Roberts,


I wanted to take the time to email how utterly thrilled my husband and I are at the progress our eldest daughter is making in reception at School. 


The care and support of the school is evident in all interactions we have with your team, from other teachers at events down to the staff in reception and the way in which they speak of and with [my child]. But none more so than Mrs Smith. We find her a wonderfully inspiring teacher with a genuine delight for Children and their company. She keeps us well informed through the various channels, and responds immediately to concerns or questions with her usual enthusiasm and/or concern and of course action. [My child] adores Mrs Smith and Mrs Barnes and makes them cards, drawings and shows/ songs on an almost daily basis. We have just started to break the news that she won't be her teacher for ever, but we all wish she was, as we all feel incredibly lucky to have had her as a teacher.


Here's hoping we have many more happy years ahead, as we have another two children we hope will follow [our child] through Otford Primary.


Yours Sincerely


Just wanted to say a massive thank you for inviting [my child] to the “Big Sing” – he had an absolutely fantastic day, and hasn’t stopped singing the songs.  I was really impressed with the quality of the performance and that they had managed to learn so much in just a day.  Thanks again for taking them – definitely on the “best day ever” list!



Many parents  have mentioned to me how glad they were to see the way the school is addressing mental health and they seemed impressed with the talk yesterday morning. I was unfortunately unable to attend as I was working but it sounded really good.

Thank you once again for supporting and promoting this at Otford.

(Year 1 parent- following the talk from the charity Mind on promoting and supporting mental health in primary schools)



Following on from our Ofsted result: 


This makes fantastic reading and is so well deserved, well done!




(Sam O's parent)

fantastic news, well done Mrs Roberts & to all the staff xx


(Scarlett A's parent)

Im surprised it’s not higher but well done to all!


(Caeden U's parent)

Having read the report Sharon, so am I. Well done everyone!


(Aaron P's parent)

Superb report...well done Otford ðŸ˜Š


(Frankie E's parent)

Really great report. Well done!


(Phoebe H's parent)

Brilliant news well done



Forest School:


I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know how much my daughter is enjoying Forest School. Today she was so pleased to come home and show us her chocolate bread telling us that Mr Grobell had brought her dairy free chocolate so she could be included. It was so thoughtful and so lovely to see how excited she was!

A very happy Forest School parent. ( October 2018)


"Our son absolutely loves forest School, highlight of his week! He has benefited from being outside, able to explore & work as a team. He wants to tell us everything he has learnt & enjoyed."


"Look at the smiles on the faces of the kids when they are learning at forest school! Says it all.  Our son loves going, he always comes home animated about the skills he has learnt and the fun he has had with his classmates. The children are very lucky to have this opportunity."


"It's the best day of the week"

Year 3


"Our daughter is mega excited and says it’s the best ever and comes home and goes straight out in the garden to carry on forest school.. I have holes with twigs and leaves. It’s a keeper thanks."


"Our daughter has really enjoyed her first experience at forest school and learning outside of the classroom. In a world of cleanliness and technology it is brilliant for the children to be in the great outdoors whatever the weather. From making clay bugs, using their hands and getting dirty to making dens, working as team using the resources available in the woodland. "


"Nowadays, when the temptation of virtual life is so present, it is important for our children to experience the gifts of nature, to learn skills which brings them closer to understanding, enjoying and appreciating their natural environment. Forest school shares this responsibility with us, parents, to help our kids grow into healthy, happy adults."


General Comments


I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you so much for everything you do... I thanked Mr Hanford...but I appreciate your whole team. [my child] is so happy at school for which I am very grateful!
(Parent year 2, December 2018)


I just wanted to say how brilliant I think Mrs Smith is (and I know other parents feel the same). As she is new to the school I just wanted to give you this feedback, she has made my son feel so settled at school, he was looking forward to returning after the half term holiday and has come on leaps & bounds.(November 2018)


Thank you so much for having the musicians in school today. Both [my children] really enjoyed it and were telling me all about it 😄 ( October 2018)


Please pass on my thanks to your wonderful staff in the Reception Class. Their work and dedication is just fantastic. The progress that * has made is truly remarkable. I had a wonderful morning in the class, it was so lovely to see *  playing.

J Hadaway
Milestone Academy


"My eldest daughter has had the most fantastic year with you in reception, she has absolutely flourished at Otford Primary School, all of your Early Years staff are fantastic!"

Parent YR


A big thank you for organising our Science firework  workshops today. It was really interesting and enjoyable with loud bangs, bright lights and explosions! The kids loved it so thank you again.​

Mrs Balcombe - Science Fair at Sevenoaks School


Visitors Feedback from our Art Exhibition at Sevenoaks Library March 2018

A big thank you, to you and all the other staff, for accompanying Year 5 to the 02.  We thoroughly enjoyed the performance and our son loved all aspects of it - learning the songs in school, the coach ride, the performance.  What a wonderful experience to have had at primary school and great memories.

Best wishes.

Parent Y5


Massive thanks to all the staff for taking care of our children yesterday at the all have nerves of steel!  What an amazing experience for them all. Really wonderful.  Hope you manage to get some rest tonight!

Many thanks

Parent Y5


Dear Mrs Roberts,
A note to say that the art lessons that Mrs Bird gives to the children are evidently extremely inspiring. My daughter, has often over the last year come home from school following an art lesson very excited about what she has learnt and keen to put it into practice. For example, recently she has been telling us all about 'O
p art', the artist who created the genre and showing us examples. She has also spent considerable time at home creating her own Op art. This follows the lessons on Pointilism, which she was also keen to replicate and excitement about the school art exhibition.
The initiative to have a dedicated art teacher in school is clearly a successful one.
Many thanks,

Parent Y1

Mrs Roberts 

 I just wanted to drop a line ( as I do) to give you some feed back on my children's teachers.  Firstly as you know I'm a massive fan of of our sons teacher - such a credit to the school her knowledge, professionalism and communication skills are superb.

She has always encouraged our son to be the best he can be and helped to work as a team with us as a family to help build his confidence. I really can not speak highly enough of her.

Now I feel we have hit the jackpot again with our daughters teacher too! In the short time she has been in this class she has again grown so much with his support .

The teacher has been ready to speak to me with any areas of concern I have had and pointed me in the right direction to help her at home. As a parent I feel so happy that she is in very safe, kind, capable hands.

Best wishes

Parent Year 2 & 6


Dear the staff and ks2 children,

Thank you so much for a really wonderful Carol service. So many talented children and gorgeous singing voices. We really enjoyed it!


Dear Mrs Roberts,
I want to congratulate you and the school ( as an Otford resident, a mother and someone very interested in education) on your being listed in the top 250 State Primary Schools in England- no. 229 as spotted over Sunday lunch today by our eagle eyed 13 year old son!
It's great news for Otford,
Caroline R.


The Times Top 250 Primary Schools

Well done this is fantastic news.
From a very proud
Louise Bates


"The Otford team at Dare to Believe were a great credit to Otford Primary School by

taking part and being very positively engaging with all the activities....and with one of the children winning a prize as well!  Well done to all the children and fantastic support from the staff. 

A great afternoon!


Amy - Dare to Believe


"There is an article on Kent Live regarding the best Kent primary schools according to Key Stage 2 exam results. Otford Primary school is shown as 4th on the list for Sevenoaks.  Congratulations and well done to our wonderful school."


A lovely message from the bikeability instructors about our Year 6's behaviour during their cycle training:

"The group today (8) all passed and got their grade 2.  They were exceptionally well behaved and a real credit to the school."


Many thanks for putting on the skipping workshop for the children. Both our son and daughter really enjoyed it and I'm pleased to say have continued skipping outside of school!
Best wishes



I did not get chance to tell you yesterday but I was reading a poem our son had written and it was so beautiful I think it was called ' dejected ' I didn't realise he could write like that . It brought tears to my eyes"

Parent Y6


Just wanted to write a quick note to let you know how pleased our son is after the skipping workshop today, this is something he did last year that made him sad as he struggled with it! But today he was super proud of him-self showing us that he could skip we were super proud even brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you to school for giving him this opportunity.

We brought  him rope at end of school. So proud of him-self even made us video him.

Parent Y5


Myself and a colleague visited Otford primary this morning as part of the selection process for admissions to our school.  I just want to say how impressed we were with both the teaching and learning that we saw and also how polite the children were.

The best thing was the independent learning especially from the student, who we had specifically gone to observe.

Best wishes, Director of Learning

My husband and I came to visit the school this morning and it was just wonderful.  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Roberts and all the staff and children who took the time to talk to us and let us see their school. It was a fantastic visit and Otford Primary really is a very special school; the children were so happy and engaged and the staff likewise.
So thank you all once again.

I wanted to write to you to congratulate you on an amazing early years teaching team. 
Mrs Warren - her, passion, enthusiasm and manner with the children continues to amaze and delight me.
I would also like to praise Mrs Sage and Mrs Barnes for their contribution thus far. As a team they have clearly put so much thought into how best to educate the children with so many interesting toys and exciting props to engage the children.
It's been such a fantastic and seamless start to the term. I honestly can't have hoped for a better team for our son's first year at school. 

Parent YR


Dear Mrs Roberts,

I just wanted to send an email to express my gratitude to you, and the Early Years team, for everything you have done and are continuing to do with the reception children. Our daughter has made such a positive start at school, she is so happy, settled and excited to go to school every day. It is remarkable that she has made such a happy start - only a few months ago, she was still tearful and anxious when I left her at nursery.

I'm thankful for everything they are doing to make her school experience so positive.

With lots of gratitude.

Parent Year R



I just wanted to say thank you for giving our son the opportunity to go to Sevenoaks School and take part in the science course this summer. I have to admit at first he wasn't keen on going during his holidays but once there he really enjoyed it and came out telling me about all the experiments and investigations he had done! 


Just a quick email to say how delighted we were with all three school reports this year. Our children are obviously motivated and put in a lot of effort to their work. They are always keen to share what they have been up to whether through open classroom or at home. This is credit to your wonderful team who nurture our children and encourage creativity and enthusiasm. What more could a parent ask for as their child moves forward to the next chapter of their life.



I must say how incredibly happy our daughter is at Otford Primary School. She is always writing stories and drawing pictures about the school and they always say how happy she is and how much she loves learning there. I really couldn't have wished for more for her. Very proud of the school, the people and children there and what they are achieving.



Dear Mrs Roberts,
I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you but it really touched me and I wanted to say just how much my daughter has got from being taught about Malawi.
I was explaining to my daughter that I had to take the paddling pool down as sadly bees were flying into the water and I had only been able to save some of them. She said "mummy it's ok , it's like the Starfish Malawi song where the boy tried his best and even though he didn't save them all, he was good and saved those he could."
Wow! That is an amazing lesson for my daughter to learn and to share with me. I think what they have learnt this term will stay with them for a very long time.
Parent Year 2


Chipmunks class assembly
On behalf of myself, and a number of parents, we wanted to thankyou for a wonderful class assembly this morning!  The children really seemed to have engaged with the topic. Our daughter has not stopped coming home from school talking about the exciting things they have learnt about Malawi or the activities they have done, and this certainly came through this morning.It was such a joy to watch every single child have a chance to speak and enjoy themselves and to show off all their wonderful craft. A very big well done and thank you!
Parent Year 2


We commend you and your team for maintaining such high standards at Otford Primary. We are blessed to have our daughter attend such a good school and delighted that our son will be attending Reception from September.

Parent Y2&R


"Thank you from us as parents for your hard work which you obviously apply with a lot of passion, and congratulations on your success with the school." Parent 


"I just wanted to say thank you for a most enjoyable Sports Day yesterday. I am grateful for the commitment given by your team to ensure ultimately the children had an enjoyable time with the more sporty excelling in their own areas whilst all the children benefiting from being a member of the  team." Parent Y6  


"Children enjoy a good start to their education in the reception classes  so they quickly become settled and confident learners." Ofsted 




