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Sept '23: Y4 Orienteering linked to Invasion topic

Sept '23: Y4 History - digging for Viking runes

Sept '23: Y6 History - visit to local archaeological Roman villa site

Oct '23: Y6 Orienteering linked to Geography topic 'Our Changing World'

Oct '23: Y4 Snakes Orienteering

Jan '24: Y5 RE Hinduism - stories told through dance

Jan '24: Y3 Orienteering linked to topic - 'Rocks, Relics and Rumbles'

Feb '24: Y5 RE Hinduism - attitude to nature

March '24: Y2 orienteering

March '24: Y2 allotment visit - germination and plant growth

March '24: Y5 Orienteering linked to topic 'Sow, Grow and Farm'

May '24: Y5 Orienteering linked to topic 'Dynamic Dynasties'
