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Art Ambassadors

Due to Government Guidelines around Covid-19 we are having to rethink how the Art Ambassadors operate, as we have to keep each year group bubble separate - we will update the website as soon as we have come up with a solution!

Art Ambassadors are responsible students who are creative and passionate about art and design, who can make a valuable contribution to the art curriculum and opportunities in art offered here at Otford Primary School.


Duties include;

  • Maintaining the art area in your classroom, making sure that it is clean and tidy
  • Making sure that fellow students clear up properly after art and wash their brushes thoroughly
  • Assisting your class teacher and contributing to discussions during art lessons
  • Gathering feedback about the art curriculum and ideas for developing the art provision from your class that you will present during art council meetings together with your own thoughts and concepts
  • Organising and managing school art competitions alongside Miss Bird
  • Assisting Miss Bird with organising and installing the annual art exhibition and any other smaller exhibitions held within the school
  • Attending regular Arts Council meetings that will be held during school hours
  • Be willing and confident to meet, discuss and share our art curriculum with primary aged students from local schools