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Community Ambassadors and Leaders

At Otford, children are the heart of the community and since school closures it has been more important than ever to pull together and strengthen, not only our community in school, but the ever changing wider community in which we belong.


Community Ambassadors - Year 6

We are pleased to announce a new role of responsibility for our Year 6 children this year. They will be taking on the role of Community Ambassadors. Each term ten children will be randomly selected, five from each class. Therefore, by the end of the year every child in Year 6 will have had the opportunity to be a Community Ambassador.

By taking on this role the children agree to:
•    be a role model within the school and uphold the school values
•    help promote a sense of community across the school
•    plan and organise a community event
•    attend regular Community Ambassador meetings
•    gain feedback and ideas from children across the school

We are really proud of the way in which the Community Ambassadors have embraced this role and are looking forward to seeing what difference they can make to our community and beyond.
This term’s Community Ambassadors are:


6L: Ruby, Isabelle, Elsie, Millie and Rayan


6W:Jimmy, Matilda, Mei, Fynn and Florence 


Watch this space to find out some of the things they have been up to.

Community Leaders Year 2-Year 5

We are also introducing Community Leaders in each class who will work alongside our Year 6 Community Ambassadors. Community Leaders will be voted for by their class members (4 in a year) in a fair and democratic way.

By taking on this role they agree to:
•    be a role model within the school and uphold our school values
•    help promote a sense of community 
•    gain feedback and ideas from children in their class
•    attend meetings with the Y6 Community Ambassadors
•    plan and support community events.


Our Community Leaders for this term are:


Parrots: Cameron, Isla

Bears: Arthur, Armani

3H: Louis W, Pippa S

3R: Seb, Lily K, Lylle

4W: Poppy, James

4EC: Casper, Esme

5RM: Rose, GeorgeW

5M: Lylah, Oliver
