British Values
All schools have a responsibility “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At Otford Primary School we promote these values in the following ways:
Children are encouraged to become leaders and take on responsibility in a variety of areas throughout the school including playground ambassadors and eco-monitors. House and Sport captains are voted for annually within Key Stage 2 as are School Community Ambassadors for every class. Children understand the responsibilities that come with these roles and that they represent the needs and interests of their peers. Democracy is taught through the curriculum, for example through debates in English or circle time in PSHCE; and is reinforced through assemblies.
The Rule of Law
The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Children know what is expected of them, why rules are so important, and what the consequences are if they do not follow them. All classes start the year with reviewing the school rules and devising their own class laws. Visits from the wider community throughout the year reinforce understanding of laws and why we have them.
Individual Liberty
At Otford, children learn about rights, personal responsibility, choices, ambitions and aspirations. Children are encouraged to follow their interests through a variety of extra-curricular clubs and lessons as well as representing Otford Primary at a variety of sporting events. Children are given the opportunity to celebrate their achievements every week in Celebration Assembly, including awards for art from our specialist art teacher. Across the school, enrichment days and weeks allow children to demonstrate independence of thought and action; in lessons, children can choose their level of challenge. Otford’s Forest School gives children the opportunity to enjoy the freedom to explore their own interests and limits in a safe environment.
Mutual Respect
Otford is a school which nurtures an understanding of mutual respect and where everyone demonstrates respect for themselves and others in their general conduct and care for one another. Mutual respect is promoted throughout the school, for example through assemblies, serving the local community and reading buddies. Our Forest school has respect at its core – respect for the environment, oneself and others; sessions start and end with circle time and teamwork, collaboration and personal achievement are collectively celebrated.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
At Otford, all major faiths are studied and respected through RE and tolerance of beliefs is promoted. Weekly assemblies are led by reverends from two local churches and a variety of faiths and festivals are explored during assemblies. Children at Otford can talk about the different faiths and cultures they learn about, ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others of different faiths and religions.
Otford Primary School holds its own General Election!
In advance of the country’s general election this Wednesday, we turned our hall into our very own polling station. In the morning, Year 6 ran a special assembly which gave children some background to the election, the democratic process and outlined the policies of each of the four main candidates for Sevenoaks. In the afternoon, each class was invited to come and talk to the candidates and to cast their vote. Once voting was complete, House Captains took ‘the count’ very seriously, checking and verifying the total number of votes cast for each candidate and discarding spoiled ballots.
The results were as follows: Conservatives with 11.4%, Labour with 21.5%, Liberal Democrats with 29.2% and the Green Party with 36.1% of the vote – which means that Otford Primary School would elect Paul Whatton as their MP who will represent their views and interests in the House of Commons.