Otford Primary School - School Summary Data: September 2024
Below is a summary of the data obtained from results collected from children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 reaching the "expected standard" and “greater depth” (in Year 6) at the end of the academic year 2023-2024. The Statutory testing for Year 2 has now been removed. We are very proud of our results, which highlight in many areas strong outcomes against National Data. There are also some areas which need further development and these will be added to our School Improvement Plan for 2024-2025.
EYFS - Reception
| School | National 2023 – 2024 |
Good Level of Development | 89% | 67.7% |
Phonics - end of Year 1
| School | National 2023 – 2024 |
Phonics Year 1 | 89% | 80% |
Key Stage 2 – Number of children at the “expected” and “greater depth” standard in Year 6
| School | National 2023 - 2024 |
Reading % Expected+ | 83% | 74% |
Writing % Expected+ | 79% | 72% |
GPS (Grammar Punctuation Spelling) % Expected+ | 81% | 72% |
Maths % Expected+ | 74% | 73% |
Reading/Writing/Maths combined % Expected+ | 66% | 61% |
Reading % Greater Depth+ | 43% | 28% |
Writing % Greater Depth+ | 26% | 13% |
GPS (Grammar Punctuation Spelling) % Greater Depth+ | 43% | 32% |
Maths % Greater Depth+ | 30% | 24% |
Otford Primary School- School Summary Data- September 2023
Below is a summary of the data obtained from results collected from children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 reaching the "expected standard" at the end of the academic year 2022-2023. We are very proud of our results, which highlight in many areas good outcomes against National data. There are also some areas which need further development and these will be added to our School Improvement Plan for 2023-2024.
EYFS- Reception.
| School | National 2022-2023 * |
Good Level of Development | 78.9% | 67.3% |
Phonics- end of Year 1 and some children in Year 2.
| School | National 2022-2023 * |
Phonics Year 1 | 86.3% | 78.9% |
Children Passed by end of Y2 | 83.3% | 58.7% |
Key Stage 1- end of Year 2.
| School | National 2022-2023 * |
Reading % reaching Expected standard | 77.8% | 68.3% |
Writing % reaching Expected standard
| 64.4% | 60.1% |
Maths % reaching Expected standard
| 66.7% | 70.4% |
Combined | 55.8% | Not published |
Y4 Multiplication Times table test. – 34% scored 25 out of 25 (National 2022 was 27%)
Key Stage 2 – Number of children at the expected standard in Year 6.
| School | National 2022-2023 |
Reading % Expected+
| 81.8%
| 73%
Writing % Expected+
| 70.9%
| 71%
GPS (Grammar Punctuation Spelling) % Expected + |
| 72%
Maths % Expected+
| 74.5%
| 73%
Reading/Writing/Maths combined % Expected Standard+ | 65.5% | 59% |
Whole school Data for the end of KS1 and KS2 for 2022
We are very pleased to report to you some headlines of the end of year outcomes for children across the school last year. We are incredibly mindful that assessments in school need to be carefully administered, and last year was the first year since 2019 where formal testing took place in primary school settings. Our role is to support a child's development socially, personally and academically, we are incredibly committed to this. The following is just a snapshot of the data set alongside National Averages. Considering the impact of COVID, we are very proud of the achievements of the children and thank you for your support and focus in all areas.
The National picture is clear, writing has been significantly impacted upon due to the restrictions from COVID. Children were spending less time developing key writing skills. As a school, closing the writing gap will be woven into our School Improvement Plan as we move throughout this year. The Governors will be meeting shortly to discuss the School Improvement Plan for this year, once this has been agreed we will of course share this with parents and add this to the school website.
Thank you to all our parents for your support, supporting your children from Reception to KS1, KS2 and then providing a platform for learning in KS3. Fostering a lifelong love for learning is fundamental to what we strive to achieve here at Otford.