PSHE education at Otford Primary School aims to develop our children’s knowledge, skills and attributes needed to keep them healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. We aim to provide a curriculum that enables our children to develop their resourcefulness, enabling them to manage life’s challenges and utilise life’s opportunities. Our Otford values of courage, kindness and curiosity, thread through all of our learning in our commitment to ensure our children feel valued, happy and secure individuals.
Three core themes are studied in every year group to develop essential skills such as self-esteem, empathy, decision- making, resilience, self-regulation, team-work and critical thinking.
Core Theme 1: Health & Well-Being
Healthy lifestyles, keeping safe, well-being, growing and changing are explored in order to develop a sense of self and team-work. Children will develop their understanding of what influences our choices about health and well-being as well as develop awareness of how to manage and regulate feelings and how bodies change over time. Keeping physically and emotionally safe, including e-safety, are also explored as well as the impact of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Core Theme 2: Relationships
The key areas of feelings and emotions, healthy relationships and valuing difference are studied. Children will learn how to manage their emotions and respond to other’s feelings, developing their social skills and awareness. Recognising what a healthy relationship is also explored, as well as respecting similarities and differences in other people. Bullying, discrimination and prejudice are discussed and awareness developed.
Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World
Rights responsibilities, taking care of the environment and money matters are the key areas covered. Children learn about human rights, laws, democracy, as well as developing an awareness of environmental issues and sustainability. Also, children learn about enterprise and how to manage money.
Cross-curricular links are made where possible to promote the PSCHE learning outcomes. Specific PSCHE lessons are also timetabled, as well as Circle Times to promote lots of discussion, opportunities to express opinions and share feelings and emotions.
Weekly mindfulness assemblies promote self-reflection and encourage the children to practise and develop strategies to regulate, reflect and relax.
Themed days are also planned annually, which include Black History Month, Enterprise Week, Anti-Bullying Week as well as charity fundraising opportunities, which include Children in Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief.
There are a range of roles and responsibilities that promote the key values of our PSCHE curriculum. These include: Community Ambassadors Year 6 House Captains Year 6 Sports Captains Year 6 Playground Pals Reading Buddies In class monitors Assembly monitors